Inshallah, you will see meray aziz humwatno, that your brother is going to win elections. Bathroom is coming of many people when they are realizing that my victory is sure shot, inshallah. I have also decided that if I am not winning election, then I am applying for high class international job. One possibility is Secretary General of UFO but Ban Ki Moon is there. When he goes, there will be opening and who knows, your brother might do it. Although, now Aung San Moon, he should retire. It's been too long.
Other high post that is vacant is that of Pop. I am told it is good job in faith sector with good pay plus benefits. Also it is Rome based so it will be away from heat and dust and dirty of Pakistan. Watican is seeking highly credulous and experienced leader with some spiritual depth to lead organisation back into Dark Ages. They say they want "highly dogmatic individual with flair for ignoring evidence". Ad also says they will give bullet proof ice cream van, silly hat and red welwet slippers. But I don't think so Pop gets to do interesting things like tie the nut for Italian beauties when they get married. Also, it is not clear to me that what is breed of Dogma. I hope it is same as that of Dogpa. Otherwise Dogkids will be moguls.
I have been to Rome. There are white plaster statues everywhere like in Las Vegas. I think so they are trying to copy Las Vegas. There are also fountains everywhere like on Rodeo Drive in Las Vegas. They are having a big round building called the Casinoleum. I saw it from outside only because I was sure it was again an attempt to copy Las Vegas beautiful casinos. Only thing that is missing is big big neon signs. I was very disappoint when I went to local bakery where they are not selling proper biscuits like Vanilla Creams or Cake Rusks.
Also I was disgusted to find that every restaurant serves vine, which is haram, and nowhere you can find decent desi khana. Another problem in Rome is that everyone is Roman and they all speak Italian which is a foreign language unlike Angrezi, so there are too many foreigners in Rome, which is something that I am not liking.
Batter to stick to politics. My spies are telling me that generals are plotting and planning delay of elections to deprive me of victory. It is their worst nightmare that your brother will become PM and take their class. They will be wise to remember my new motto:
"Jo vaada kiya voh nibhana paray ga,
Rokay zamana chahay rokay khudai,
Tum ko sabaq sikhana paray gaaaaaa ..."
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