Appeal to the Following to put Visa and other restrictions on Shahbaz Sharif and Rana Sanullah:
United Nations
US State Department
UK Home Office
EU Parliament
Other countries and organisations
The sanctions on CM Shahbaz and Rana Sanaullah may include:
1. Cancellation of any pre-existing visas;
2. Complete ban on issuing any kind of visas in the future;
3. Stopping national (public, private) and international organisations from engaging in any type of commercial or non-commercial businesses owned by these individuals;
4. Stopping all donations given to these individuals or the organisations they own or manage;
5. Freezing their bank accounts; and
6. Placing details of these individuals and organisations on the international database of terrorist organisations and individuals
Punjab CM Shahbaz Sharif and Law Minister Rana Sanullah are complicit in pogroms against Shias, Sunnis, Ahmadis, Hindus and Christians.

In the aftermath of the Godhra incident, Narendra Modi, the then chief minister of Gujrat, India,, was deemed to be culpable and briefly denied entry in the United States.
In Pakistan, the continuing anti-Shia, anti-Sunni Barelvi, anti-Ahmadi, anti-Christian pogroms have a far deeper involvement by the State and the current government. If Modi was deemed culpable for not doing anything to stop the pogroms against Muslims, the Punjab CM and Law Minister in Pakistan have a far more direct role in the ongoing anti-Shia pogroms in Pakistan.
This is a humanitarian and legal appeal to all international organisations and governments including the United Nations, European Union and Governments of UK, France, Germany, USA, Canada, India, Australia and all other countries of the world.
This is to request you to consider sanctions on Shahbaz Sharif and Rana Sanaullah, the key sponsors and patrons of banned Deobandi terrorist organizations namely Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ). Both organisations, SSP and LeJ, have overlapping mamebership and ideology, and are known for hate speech and violence against Shia, Sunni Sufi Barelvis, Ahmadis, Christians and Hindus of Pakistan and abroad. Both orgnaizations are known for links with the Salafi Wahhabi and Deobandi terrorists of Al Qaeda, Taliban and other terrorist groups. Both LeJ and SSP are currently freely operating in Pakistan with the new name of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ). The organization uses the flag, ideology, charter and leadership of banned SSP.
The ASWJ (ex-SSP LeJ) has headquarters in Jhang Punjab and enjoys explicit and implicit support of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and his Law Minister Rana Sanaullah Deobandi. ASWJ’s head Ahmed Ludhyanvi Deobandi is known for hate speech against Shias, Sunni Barelvis and Ahmadis while ASWJ’s vice president Malik Ishaq Deobandi was a co-founder of banned terrorist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.
Both SSP (ASWJ) and LeJ have been outlaweed not only by the government of Pakistan but also by the governments of the US, UK and other countries.
The Government of Pakistan designated the LJ a terrorist organization in August 2001, and the U.S. classified it as a Foreign Terrorist Organization under U.S. law in January 2003. As a result, its finances are blocked worldwide by the U.S government. Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP, currently operating as ASWJ) is designated as terrorist group by the governments of Pakistan, UK, USA etc.
It is on record that Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Law Mnister Rana Sanaullah forged political alliance with ASWJ terrorists in order to gain political mileage in areas such as Bhakkar, Jhang and other parts of the Punjab province. Law Minister Rana Sanaullah also led join public rallies with ASWJ chief Ludhyanvi in Jhang Punjab. The alliance between CM Shahbaz Sharif and ASWJ was solified when his political party PMLN accepted many ASWJ-LeJ leaders into its fold and issued them tickets in the 2013 general elections, eg Abid Raza Gujjar belongs to LeJ. Punjab CM Shahbaz Sharif’s elder brother Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif too is known to provide support to ASWJ-SSP-LeJ terrorists.
Punjab government, led by Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, is known for sympathetic stance towards Taliban and ASWJ-SSP-LeJ terrorists and has been reluctant to take action against Deobandi terrorists and their sanctuaries in Punjab.

In the last six years, since 2008 when CM Shahbaz SHarif came into power in Punjab province, thousands of Shias, Sunni Barelvis, Ahmadis and Christians have been killed at the hands of Deobandi terrorists of ASWJ-SSP-LeJ.
A list of major attacks by Deobandi ASWJ-SSP-LeJ terrorists in Punjab since 2008 is as follows:
Attack on Ahmadi mosques, Lahore
Attaack on Sunni Barelvis in Data Darbar Lahore
Attack on Sunni Barelvis in Sakhi Sarwar, Dera Ghazi Khan
Attack on Sunni Barelvis in Pakpatan
Attack on Shias in Chakwal
Attack on Shias in Khanpur
Attack on Shias in Lahore
Attack on Shias in Rawalpindi
Attack on Christians in Lahore
Attack on Christians in Shanti Nagar
and many other incidents.
Moreover, dozens of key professionals, doctors, academics belonging to Shia, Sunni Barelvi and Ahmadi sects have been killed including Professor Sarfraz Naeemi, Professor Shabbir Shah, Dr Ali Haider etc.
In more than one ways, Punjab CM Shahbaz Sharif is worse than Indian CM Modi (who faced visa sanctions by the US State Department) becuase of his active invovlement in nurturing and protecting a terrorist group that has killed thousands of innocent people only due to diffence of faith or sect.
After the drone incident that killed Taliban Chief Hakeemullah Mehsud Deobandi, the Taliban publically issued a statement to target Muharram processions of Shia and Sunni Sufi Barelvis in Pakistan. Taliban’s chief affiliates in Pakistan are the ASWJ-LeJ who know go by the name of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ). The SSP-ASWJ is in a coalition with the Punjab government and enjoys public ties with Rana Sanaullah and via him, his boss, Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif.
On 4th Muhurram (9 Nov 2013) 5 Shia Muslims were gunned down in a mosque in Gujranwalla. Worse was to follow. On 9th Muhurram (14 Nov 2013), the banned SSP which is operating freely by simply changing its name to ASWJ, publically and specifically declared their intentions to attack Muhurram processions from mosques. They even issued their clear intentions on social media. On 10 Muharram (15 Novemeber), ASWJ Deobandi terrorists executed their plan with impunity and with no hindrance or action by the Punjab police and other security agencies.
In Rawalpindi, a procession of Shia and Sunni Barelvi Muslims was first abused via loud speakers and later on stones were thrown at the procession outside. Shots were also fired from the roof of the mosque by ASWJ-SSP terrorists. Through this provocation, ASWJ-SSP was able to manufacture a riot between Deobandis and Shia Muslims in Rawalpindi. This led to further violence against Sunni Barelvi and Shia by Deobandi ASWJ terrorists. 4 Shia mosques were subsequently attacked and burned in Rawalpindi and 9 people lost their lives including 3 Shias and 2 Sunnis. Three Deobandi activists of ASWJ were also killed in retaliation after they fired from the roof of their mosque.
The next day, November 16th, Shia mosques and Imambargahs were attacked in Multan, Chishtian, and Kohat and 6 Shias lost their lives as well 2 policemen.
On 19 Nov 2013, a Shia professor and his Shia staffer were killed in a targeted attack in Gujrat Punjab.
During this entire time, the Punjab Government led by CM Shahbaz Sharif and Law Minister Rana Sanaullah gave a free hand to its ASWJ allies. On Ahsura day in Rawalpindi, no mikes were stopped for Deobandi hate speech in direct violation of written orders to the contrary. ASWJ mobs were not stopped from burning Shia Muslim mosques and imambargahs.
On November 16, the Taliban spokesperson, Khurasani, confirmed the anti-Shia anti-Sunni Sufi agenda in a video taped message where he publically acknowledged the alliance between Deobandi ASWJ and the Deobandi Taliban.
On November 18, CM Shahbaz held a meeting witha dangerous terrorist, Fazlur-Rehman Khalil, the founder of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen and a signatory of Osama bin Laden’s 1998 fatwa called the International Front Against Jews and Crusaders. It has been alleged by Sunni Barelvi, Shia and Ahmadi communities that CM Shahbaz is planning full scale genocide of Sunni Barelvis, Shias, Ahmadis and Christians in Lahore in order to implement a narrow, puritanical Deobandi Wahhabi agenda in Punjab and Pakistan.
Earlier in the day, the CM held a meeting with prominent ulema in Rawalpindi to enlist their support against sectarianism. As per sources, the tone and tenor of the CM was strict and serious as he talked to the ulema belonging to various schools of thought. Shahbaz Sharif also issued instructions for provision of alternative place on a temporary basis for the offering of prayers and continuation of education by the students of Madrassa Taaleemul Quran Rawalpindi, which was damaged in the riots. The ulema delegation was led by Maulana Samiul Haq, Maulana Hanif Jallandhri and Maulana Ashraf Ali and included Maulana Zahid Mahmood Qasmi, Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad, Maulana Qari Abdul Rashid, Maulana Abdul Majeed Hazarvi, Maulana Hafiz Muhammad Siddique, Maulana Dr Atiqur Rehman, Maulana Fazlur Rehman Khalil, Maulana Habibur Rehman, Maulana Yousaf Shah, Maulana Gohar Rehman, Maulana Muhammad Owais and Maulana Qari Sardar Ali among others. Federal Interior Minister Ch Nisar Ali Khan and Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah were also present.
Punjab government’s provincial Labour Minister Raja Ashfaq Sarwar thanked Ulema on behalf of the Punjab government who extended their cooperation for ensuring law and order. He especially thanked Maulana Samiul Haq, Maulana Fazlur Rehman Khalil, Maulana Ashraf Ali, Maulana Hanif Jalandhari and other Ulema for resolving matters between the government and the Ulema amicably.
For their culpability in not only allowing but even supporting ASWJ pogroms against Sunni Barelvis, Shias, Christains and Ahmadis, visa restrictions should be placed on Chief Minister Punjab, Pakistan, Shahbaz Sharif and his Law Minister, Rana Sanaullah. The latter also happens to be the cousin of the outgoing Chief Justice whose court has freed a record number of Deobandi terrorists. - See more at:
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